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New Year,New You..

Start the new year at the workplace with a bang and make 2012 one of your best years at work!!..Many look to a fresh start at the beginning of the year and that includes a brand new job or a career. However,do not think that you have to quit your current job to get the fresh start afresh right where you are!!

It's time to revamp your work attitude to get ready for the new year. Little do you know that your relationship with your work is similar with your love life-you need to put in the effort to rekindle the flame. Below are some tips to get the spring back into your heels as your way to your cubicle.

Revisiting the thrills of your job would be the essential first step to finding the passion you once had for it. Note down all the things that attracted you to the job in the first place and also the things that brought you joy. Don't forget about other perks such as free training,environment,collaeagues,and other benefits that the job brings along. These little things add up to the total experience of your happiness at the work place.

Dr Suzy Green, a leader in the field of coaching and positive psyhology suggests asking yourself-what would need to change for me to come to work feeling more inspired about what i do?. This is an important question and the answers can propel you forward. Monitor what's been making you feel sluggish at work. Once you have a clear picture,go abaout making the change and bear in mind that it might include having an honest chat with your manager or supervisor. This talk might lead to role change or even a temporary rotation to another group. Do not limit the answers when you envision the ideal situation at work that would fire up your enthusiasm. Not all ideas are practical,so learn to be smart and pick the right battles!!

Having a specific goal in mind can fire you up because nothing is more demotivating than working haphazardly without having a clear vision,mission,and set of objectives for your work. Revisit and clarify them with your manager. Once you have that settled,you can focus on your goals by starting with the end in mind. It is remarkable what you can achieve once you have honed in on your goals. Focus on them,and visualise yourself archieving them.

When you are at a job for a year and more,it can feel a little stale and boring. To avoid that from happening,you can motivate yourself by evaluating your productivity. Ask yourself if there is a smarter or better way to achieve the same results with the same amount of effort. This means you are taking accountability for your job perfomance,thus making you feel more involved and in control of your progress. On another level, you are showing higher management your strategic thinking capabilities and the ability to take on more responsibilities. It's a win situation!!...

Melbourne-based psychologist and career change specialist Meredith Fuller says,''work out what you still like doing and then up the ante. Ask for more responsibility,do an exchange,or ask to shadow a senior person. Find extra ways to stretch yourself.''Perhaps you have mastered your current role,and what you need is to have more on your plate. In this case,congratulations are in order!Do some research before setting up a meeting with your manager to discuss your growing role. This sounds a lot like you are ready for a promotion but don't worry if there's no opening for a position at the moment. Management would be more than happy to groom potential candidates so go ahead and schedule that meeting with your superior.

Remember to celebrate your successes,as that would continuously motivate you. So,take time to reward yourself as you achieve your objectives or do a good job in your assigments. Plan your reward ahead of time so you can look forward to it-don't understimate this little trick as it can help motivate you in the long run.

The good news is that having a proper work-life balance can be beneficial for you overall. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential both for your general motivation level and your overall well-being. Make sure you take the time to do the things you like to do outside of work,wheather it is connecting with friend and family,or other hobbies and activities that channel your creativity and energy. Having something to look forward to after work will help during moments of stress at work. When your motivation and energy levels are low,your energy focus on things outside of work will also make you more productive at work.

Finally,focus your energy on the positive and avoid dwelling on negative thoughts. Take time to enjoy your work and have a great year ahead!!!-credit to magazine PEARL


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